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Thursday, February 09, 2017

NFL Super Bowl LI (51) Season NFL 2016 RESULTS - Hedging the Straight Line


Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots

NFL 2016 Conference Championships RESULTS - Hedging the Straight Line

Green Bay Packers vs Atlanta Falcons

Pittsburgh Steelers vs New England Patriots

NFL 2016 Divisional Playoffs RESULTS - Hedging the Straight Line

http://www.rotoprofessor.com/football/pictures/Montgomery.jpgSeattle Seahawks vs Atlanta Falcons

Houston Texans vs New England Patriots

Pittsburgh Steelers vs Kansas City Chiefs

Green Bay Packers vs Dallas Cowboys

NFL 2016 Wild Card RESULTS - Hedging the Straight Line

https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/igTLwAu0HbwD5R54EHrDPJIiDI4=/0x167:2128x1586/1310x873/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/47974683/usa-today-8980392.0.jpgOakland Raiders vs Houston Texans

Detroit Lions vs Seattle Seahawks

Miami Dolphins vs Pittsburgh Steelers

NY Giants vs Green Bay Packers

NFL 2016 Week 17 RESULTS - Hedging the Straight Line

Week 17 -- Closing the Doors

1)  New York Giants –  won 4 slots in a game that mattered more to their opponent.